Who We Are
Timothy Trumpet of Truth Ministry is committed to fulfilling the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. The commission is to Go ye therefore and bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the highways and byways compelling men, women, boys and girls to come in.
Trumpet of Truth Ministry under the leadership of Bishop Robert Collins is currently located at 7451 W St. Bernard Hwy in the heart of the inner city. Trumpet of Truth is not an ordinary church because the leaders and members know it must be a church without walls. After seeing the condition of the families in the community, it was determined that the only way to meet the needs of the people was to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the community and compel men to change there way of living. Trumpet of Truth Ministry is endeavoring to use every means available to reach Gods people. Currently, Evangelism includes Tent Ministry, the tent is setup in area where the average church would not consider going, Jump for Jesus Team, witnessing team minister on the street, and the Bread Truck reminds the community that Jesus is the Bread of Life.
And the Lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways and hedges, compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23 By preaching the Word of God under the tent, passing out tracts, and sending disciples into the neighborhoods of the communities to minister and pray with people in need of a Savior, we have seen many turn their lives over to the Lord and change their ways. This alone has proven to be a success.

Bishop Robert and Florence Collins