Every disciple is invited to become a part of one of our ministries, a place to serve. When Christ established His church, he did not expect it to be filled with spectators. Christ has given to each congregation each manifestation of His church a mission in the world. That is, in essence, the ultimate responsibility of Christianity, and there is a place of service for every person who is a part of this Christian family. One of the major problems in our churches today is that the overwhelming majority of members are either inactive or function only as spectators. Now is the time for each of us to realize that we need to have a responsibility in our church. We need to have a ministry we need to fill a place of service, realizing that as Disciples of Christ we are never visitors.
The Missions Ministry serves as an outreach ministry in proclaiming and demonstrating the Kingdom of God to the world. It enhances the churchs awareness and participation in the area of missions, thus equipping members for soul-winning. This Ministry works hand-in-hand with the Evangelism Ministry of the church.
It's mission is to reach out to the youth of the church and community to help bring them closer to Christ. Through outreach programs, regular meetings, retreats, church services and other activities, the primary objectives are that each youth will: 1) accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;2) commit to serving the Lord with his or her God-given talents;3) grow spiritually, socially, culturally and academically; and4) gain greater self-esteem and awareness of community needs.
The commission proclaims the gospel and salvation of Jesus Christ--both within and outside the church--so that those who are lost will be found and those who are saved will be convicted and transformed to do greater works.
Since 1993 the Master Carpenters Workshop recovery ministry has sought to reach disciples, whose lives are affected by alcohol, drugs and other social ills. Their mission is to restore spiritual, mental and physical wellness to individuals seeking recovery from life's trials and dysfunctions, as well as foster healing and growth in a nonjudgmental, confidentially shared experience. Their belief is that God is the answer to any human being's problem with whatever he is dealing with.
It's mission is to encourage and promote the teaching and studying of the Bible. As we apply the wisdom of the Bible, we will be able to lead others to Christ and grow spiritually.
The mission of the Womens Ministry is to provide opportunities for women to grow in Christ, to promote Christian sisterhood, and to advance the community of faith.